Taunton Oral Health

Dental implants

Dental implants

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We are pleased to offer several tooth replacement options for our patients at Taunton Oral Health. Dental implants are one of the most versatile, naturalistic tooth replacements available. The dental implant is a small screw or post, usually created from titanium, that is surgically implanted in your jawbone at the site of your missing tooth. This replaces the root of the missing tooth and ensures that your dental implant is a secure, lasting restoration. During a period of healing, which may last several months, the bone begins to bond with the titanium implant in a process called osseointegration. After your gums and jawbone have healed, our skilled dentists will place the dental implant restoration. Depending on your personal needs, and on how many teeth are missing, your custom-made implant restoration may be an implant crown, an implant bridge, or full or partial implant-supported dentures.

To get more information on dental implants or to schedule your consultation with either of our doctors, call or visit Taunton Oral Health in Taunton, Massachusetts. We are committed to restoring your smile.